Since 2010, CapSol has offered advisory services-Business Planning, Acquisition-Disposition, Private Placements, Corporate Finance, Financial Modelling across a diversified sectors-Energy, Power & Utilities, Financial Services, Mining & Metals, Real Estate, Technology, Agribusiness to private companies and investors. Capsol's interests are aligned with the client in that we focus on the success fee and deal performance with a long term relationship horizon.
Capsol’s Partners have shared intellectual property and remain the same during the entire engagement, they have international MBA's, 6 years experience working together, 19 of years transaction experience in Real Estate, 6 years in Renewable Energy and 15 years in Corporate Finance with Institutional Investors in the US, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, France, China and India and transaction experience of over 3.5 billion USD since 2001 in previous investment management positions.
Capsol does not re-sell the intellectual property produced for our client, each be-spoke model and business case is tailor-made for the client and protected. The research and market strategy scenarios for pricing and projections is proprietary.
Finally, transparency is key to CapSol's client relationships in that we do not have any conflicts of interest, no other client services or asset management mandates that we are trying to force on a client- we simply value, invest, sell, package and fundraise an investment opportunity to qualified investors.
Capsol Partners GmbH All Rights Reserved